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TVH Transportfehler

Hallo Leute :)

Ich habe mich jetzt hier angemeldet, da ich nun seit längerer Zeit ein Problem habe und mittlerweile einfach Ratlos bin.
Evtl. hat von euch noch einer eine Lösung oder eine Idee.

Meine Konfiguration:
Als „Server“ - Ubuntu mit Tvheadend (4.1-2355~g1dd2652) und TBS 6205
Als „Clients“ – mehrere Odriods und Raspis mit Kodi (Libreelec)
Diese Konfiguration lief bis jetzt eigentlich immer Stabil und Problem los.

Jetzt das Problem:
-Seit kurzem habe ich das Problem, dass beim TV-Schauen das Bild ruckelt/hängt… der Ton läuft normal weiter.
Nach kurzem warten fängt es sich wieder oder man wechselt kurz den Sender.
Manchmal passiert Stundenlang Garnichts und manchmal ist es so schlimm, dass vernünftiges TV schauen unmöglich ist.
-Das Ganz tritt allerdings nur bei den HD-Sendern (CA-Sendern) auf. Bei manchen stärker bei manchen weniger.
-TVH-Log spricht von Transportfehlern.

Zuerst dachte ich es liegt am Netzwerk, habe den Switch getauscht, alle Netzwerkkabel überprüft und geschaut ob eine Fehlerfreie Übertragung stattfindet. -> kein Fehler gefunden und kein anderes Gerät verursacht zu viel Traffic.
Anschließen verscheiden TVH Versionen ausprobiert -> kein Erfolg
Nun habe ich mein komplettes System frisch aufgesetzt, habe aber immer noch dasselbe Problem…
Ich bin nun komplett ratlos und frage mich was ich noch testen bzw. ändern kann ?( ;( ?(

Hier noch mehrere TVH Logs:

Spoiler anzeigen

2016-12-26 16:40:31.573 tsfix: The timediff for TELETEXT is big (1913135592), using current dts

2016-12-26 16:43:58.606 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 1)

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: PSIP: ATSC Grabber - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: Bulsatcom: Bula 39E - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: VIASAT: Baltic - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: UK: Freesat - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: EIT: DVB Grabber - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:45.304 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 2)

2016-12-26 16:51:00.720 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 8)

2016-12-26 16:52:18.231 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 9)

2016-12-26 16:52:18.232 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:06:19.462 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 11)

2016-12-26 17:08:58.847 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:08:58.847 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:10:58.334 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 14)

2016-12-26 17:10:58.850 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:10:58.850 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: TELETEXT @ #528 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:11:00.382 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:23:32.542 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 5)

2016-12-26 17:23:32.542 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:23:32.542 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: TELETEXT @ #528 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:29:43.942 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 6)

2016-12-26 17:29:43.942 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: TELETEXT @ #528 Continuity counter error (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:29:43.942 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 4)

2016-12-26 17:34:43.169 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 15)

2016-12-26 17:34:43.170 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 7)

2016-12-26 17:39:30.711 subscription: 0207: " [ dami | Kodi Media Center ]" unsubscribing from "RTL HD", hostname="", username="dami", client="Kodi Media Center"

2016-12-26 17:39:33.766 mpegts: 138MHz in Unity - tuning on TurboSight TBS 6205 DVBC frontend : DVB-C #4

2016-12-26 17:39:33.766 subscription: 0208: " [ dami | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "RTL HD", weight: 150, adapter: "TurboSight TBS 6205 DVBC frontend : DVB-C #4", network: "Unity", mux: "138MHz", provider: "Unitymedia", service: "RTL HD", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="dami", client="Kodi Media Center"

2016-12-26 17:39:34.301 tsfix: The timediff for TELETEXT is big (1913117592), using current dts

2016-12-26 17:39:34.899 tsfix: The timediff for TELETEXT is big (1912995921), using current dts

2016-12-26 17:39:34.899 tsfix: transport stream TELETEXT, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 0, last = 6676935071

2016-12-26 17:46:25.687 http: using ticket D9CC7797E10513D54AA6A9E8EE686C1772575E60 for /stream/service/ab6ed392f72ca2e0361f368b5b56fae4

2016-12-26 17:46:25.687 mpegts: 146MHz in Unity - tuning on TurboSight TBS 6205 DVBC frontend : DVB-C #3

2016-12-26 17:46:25.687 subscription: 0209: "HTTP" subscribing to service "Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD", weight: 100, adapter: "TurboSight TBS 6205 DVBC frontend : DVB-C #3", network: "Unity", mux: "146MHz", provider: "Unitymedia", profile="pass", hostname="", client="VLC/2.2.4 LibVLC/2.2.4"

2016-12-26 17:46:27.749 descrambler: cannot decode packets for service "ProSieben HD"

2016-12-26 17:46:27.939 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:46:27.939 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD: TELETEXT @ #528 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:46:27.939 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:51:40.661 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:51:40.669 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD Transport error indicator (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:51:40.670 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:51:41.273 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:51:41.614 tbl-pass: pass-eit: -: invalid checksum (len 2728, errors 1)

2016-12-26 17:52:03.979 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:52:03.980 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD Transport error indicator (total 4)

2016-12-26 17:53:10.275 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD Transport error indicator (total 6)

2016-12-26 17:53:10.275 descrambler: ECM - key late (4315 ms) for service "ProSieben HD"

2016-12-26 17:53:10.281 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 5)

2016-12-26 17:53:10.281 descrambler: ECM - key late (5432 ms) for service "RTL HD"

2016-12-26 17:53:11.425 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:53:11.425 descrambler: cannot decode packets for service "ProSieben HD"

2016-12-26 17:53:12.263 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:53:12.295 tsfix: transport stream TELETEXT, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 73566000, last = 73382400

2016-12-26 17:53:12.363 tsfix: transport stream H264, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 73691271, last = 73514871

2016-12-26 17:53:12.576 tsfix: transport stream AC3, DTS discontinuity. DTS = 73627200, last = 73422720

2016-12-26 17:58:54.689 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD Transport error indicator (total 16)

2016-12-26 17:59:10.089 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 14)

2016-12-26 17:59:10.090 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD Transport error indicator (total 17)

2016-12-26 17:59:10.090 descrambler: ECM - key late (4006 ms) for service "ProSieben HD"

2016-12-26 17:59:11.399 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 7)

2016-12-26 17:59:11.399 descrambler: cannot decode packets for service "ProSieben HD"

2016-12-26 18:12:03.279 TS: Unity/146MHz/ProSieben HD Transport error indicator (total 18)

2016-12-26 18:12:18.672 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 15)

Spoiler anzeigen

2016-12-26 16:40:31.026 mpegts: 138MHz in Unity - tuning on TurboSight TBS 6205 DVBC frontend : DVB-C #4

2016-12-26 16:40:31.026 subscription: 0207: " [ dami | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "RTL HD", weight: 150, adapter: "TurboSight TBS 6205 DVBC frontend : DVB-C #4", network: "Unity", mux: "138MHz", provider: "Unitymedia", service: "RTL HD", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="dami", client="Kodi Media Center"

2016-12-26 16:40:31.573 tsfix: The timediff for TELETEXT is big (1913135592), using current dts

2016-12-26 16:43:58.606 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 1)

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: PSIP: ATSC Grabber - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: Bulsatcom: Bula 39E - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: VIASAT: Baltic - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: UK: Freesat - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:36.026 epggrab: EIT: DVB Grabber - data completion timeout for 138MHz in Unity

2016-12-26 16:50:45.304 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 2)

2016-12-26 16:51:00.720 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 8)

2016-12-26 16:52:18.231 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 9)

2016-12-26 16:52:18.232 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:06:19.462 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 11)

2016-12-26 17:08:58.847 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:08:58.847 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:10:58.334 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD Transport error indicator (total 14)

2016-12-26 17:10:58.850 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:10:58.850 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: TELETEXT @ #528 Continuity counter error (total 1)

2016-12-26 17:11:00.382 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 2)

2016-12-26 17:23:32.542 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: H264 @ #523 Continuity counter error (total 5)

2016-12-26 17:23:32.542 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: AC3 @ #524 Continuity counter error (total 3)

2016-12-26 17:23:32.542 TS: Unity/138MHz/RTL HD: TELETEXT @ #528 Continuity counter error (total 2)

Grüße der neue Kalle :thumbup:


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