Hallo seit, 2 Tagen erscheint das TV und Radio Menü in Kodi nicht mehr. Wenn ich Kodi starte sehe ich oben kurz das Infofeld für DVBViewer Addon aufblitzen, darin steht PVR-Manager starten, und er versucht die Sender einzulesen. Der Fortschrittsbalken bewegt sich aber nicht und dann geht das Infofeld wieder zu. Usernbame/Passwort, IP-Adresse und TCP Port sind im Addon richtig eingetragen, wenn ich eins davon ändere kann die Verbindung nicht hergestellt werden und das Addon meckert über die fehlende Verbindung beim Start von Kodi. DVBViewer und Webintereface vom REcording Service funktionieren mit den selben Einstellungen.
In Kodi unter Programme habe ich einen Log-Viewer. Da erscheinen im Zusammenhang mit dem DVBViewer Addon Datenbankfehler:
Alles anzeigen
Die "..." sind andere rausgeschnittene Meldungen, hauptsächlich die Medoenbibiliothek die zu einer großen Menge Videodateien keine Infos abrufen kann.
Ist da die (my)SQL-Datenbank kaputt, wie kann man die reparieren?
In Kodi unter Programme habe ich einen Log-Viewer. Da erscheinen im Zusammenhang mit dem DVBViewer Addon Datenbankfehler:
- ...
- 21:07:35 T:948 NOTICE: PVRManager - starting up
- 21:07:35 T:8388 NOTICE: AddOnLog: DVBViewer Client: Checking backend version...
- 21:07:35 T:8388 NOTICE: AddOnLog: DVBViewer Client: Version: 18940416
- ...
- 21:07:36 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:36 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:36 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:36 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:36 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:36 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:5288 NOTICE: script.xbmcbackup-1.0.6: scheduler enabled, finding next run time
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:948 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Recorded TV\360° Geo Reportage_arte D_2016_11_21_11_48_00.wtv', it won't be added to the library.
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:37 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- ...
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:948 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Recorded TV\360° Geo Reportage_arte D_2016_12_03_08_43_00.wtv', it won't be added to the library.
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- ...
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:948 WARNING: No information found for item 'D:\Recorded TV\360º - Die Geo-Reportage_arte HD_2016_10_29_09_33_00.wtv', it won't be added to the library.
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:38 T:2996 ERROR: SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation
- Query: INSERT INTO channels (iUniqueId, bIsRadio, bIsHidden, bIsUserSetIcon, bIsUserSetName, bIsLocked, sIconPath, sChannelName, bIsVirtual, bEPGEnabled, sEPGScraper, iLastWatched, iClientId, idEpg) VALUES (565, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'MOSAIQUE RADIOS', 0, 1, 'client', 0, 914, -1)
- 21:07:39 T:2996 ERROR: CDatabase::CommitInsertQueries - failed to execute queries
- 21:07:39 T:2996 ERROR: CPVRChannelGroups - PVR::CPVRChannelGroups::Load - failed to load channel groups
- 21:07:39 T:2996 ERROR: PVRManager - PVR::CPVRManager::Process - failed to load PVR data, retrying
- ...
- 21:07:47 T:8516 ERROR: CRarFile::Seek - Data buffer in inconsistent state
- ...
Ist da die (my)SQL-Datenbank kaputt, wie kann man die reparieren?