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Problem mit Youtube und ARD/ZDF

Hello everyone,,

I hope someone can help me ... I've been having problems with the above addons for some time.

It takes forever for a video to play. If I want to start a video (either directly via Youtube or Dokumonster), then this small window opens with "open stream" and then it takes about 20-30 seconds until the video begins. Actually, it has always been that it was played directly. I have already uninstalled the addon and reinstalled, unfortunately without success. Streams from their sources are running without problems.

When I start a video, then I see the first picture in the background (in the foreground, for example, is still the overview of the videos) and the sound of the video is running. More does not work then however ... the HTPC does not accept any more inputs (whether over yatse or CEC adapter) ---> reset

Software: Win8-64, XBMC Frodo

Thank you in advance!


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