Auf der Suche nach Kodi/Zattoo Informationen bin ich auf Kodinerds gelandet und habe das Plugin in ein paar Threads zur Verfügung gestellt.
Aus den Rückmeldungen schliesse ich dass es auch bei andern funktioniert, deshalb habe ich nun eine Repo dafür aufgesetzt:

Neu in V1.5.0beta:
Neu in V1.5.2beta:

Neu in V1.5.2beta:

ZattooBox Extended v1.5.2beta (29-Mar-16)
- Recordings: library integration
- Recordings: color code (red:future, orange:running, green:done)
- Recordings: corerct information
- OSD: chanellist+preview options
- performance optimisation
- lots of internal changes
ZattooBox Extended v1.5.1beta (24-Mar-16)
- setting: start liveTV on opening addon
- setting: alwas play show in epg
- OSD: record show
- OSD: make plot font bigger and add some dark background
- OSD: added missing images
- OSD: recall is default action
- EPG: option to record liveTV/past shows
- EPG: long-press jumps removed (4:prev day, 6:next day)
- Recordings: context menu for deleting
- Preview: add channel-nrs
- fixed some error on keymap action in liveTV
ZattooBox Extended v1.5.0beta (22-Mar-16)
- teletext
- removed service and keymap hack
- hidden gui on live-TV to intercept keys
- live OSD (show info, replay show, teletext, epg)
- change channel by inputing channel-nr
- don't restart playing channel on select
- highlight current channel in preview
- scrolling title in preview
- load program from db on preview page load
- (image refresh in preview)
- play stream even if program not found in db
- on replay: start 5min earlier and jump to 5min
- play srf-1 and load db on openening
ZattooBox Extended v1.0.0 (17-Jan-16)
- first "official" public release
- load program on open, not on show program
- scrolling programtitles
- error message if no stream is found (missing bitrates)
- remove not available bitrates (how did I find available bitrates???)
- obey max bandwidth setting for recordings
- obey default audio setting for recordings
- show- and episode-title on TVShow recordings
- resume partially played recordings