Hier nun das neue HotFix Image für die Shield/Pro 2019.
The first HotFix image for the 2019 SHIELD TVs has been deployed on 11/6/2019 as version 32.7.301.38 and is based on the public 8.1 image with the follow fixes:
First HotFix (32.7.301.38):
- Match Content Color Space feature not working
- Dolby ATMOs audio stickiness. ie. Play an ATMOS title and the next title the receiver stays in ATMOS mode
- SONY BRAVIA KD55A8F can't set Dolby Vision mode at 59.95Hz
- Corner cases of no Audio in Movies Anywhere, Vudu
Note that there is still an issue with the color switch while in DV mode on Sony xbr55x900f that is being worked on for a future HotFix image.
The first HotFix image for the 2019 SHIELD TVs has been deployed on 11/6/2019 as version 32.7.301.38 and is based on the public 8.1 image with the follow fixes:
First HotFix (32.7.301.38):
- Match Content Color Space feature not working
- Dolby ATMOs audio stickiness. ie. Play an ATMOS title and the next title the receiver stays in ATMOS mode
- SONY BRAVIA KD55A8F can't set Dolby Vision mode at 59.95Hz
- Corner cases of no Audio in Movies Anywhere, Vudu
Note that there is still an issue with the color switch while in DV mode on Sony xbr55x900f that is being worked on for a future HotFix image.