Metadata Editor Script
Kodi script to edit basic metadata information of library items with support to automatically update the .nfo file.
Supported Kodi versions
Where to get it
NFO Files
The updating of .nfo items is only possible for video library items, because the JSON result doesn't return any path for music entries.
Supported .nfo namings:
Script usage
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Metadata Editor Script
Kodi script to edit basic metadata information of library items with support to automatically update the .nfo file.
Supported Kodi versions
- Leia
- Matrix (Untested yet, but should work out of the box.)
Where to get it
- The most current versions are always available on my private Kodi repo
- Once everything is 100% working it gets released on the Kodi repo
NFO Files
The updating of .nfo items is only possible for video library items, because the JSON result doesn't return any path for music entries.
Supported .nfo namings:
- %Filename%.nfo
- tvshow.nfo
- movie.nfo
Script usage
- The script can be called with the context menu or RunScript() commands (useful for skinners).
- A library updating task can be started by starting the addon itself.
- Context menu entries:
- * `Metadata Editor` / `Open Editor` = Editor dialog or sub menu if more options are available
- * `Add/remove available genres` = Quickly edit the genres which the item belongs to
- * `Add/remove available tags` = Quickly edit the tags which the item belongs to
- * `Add/remove favourite tag` = Shortcut to toggle the library tags `Movie Watchlist`, `TV Show Watchlist` and `Music Video Watchlist`. Can be used to create custom splitted favourite widgets (like a watchlist).
- * `Update ratings` = Will update ratings by using the OMDb and TMDb API
- RunScript calls:
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = opens editor
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=setgenres,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = opens genre selector
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=settags,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = opens tags selector
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=togglefav,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = toggle watchlist tag
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType])` = Updates rating for the requested item
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating)` = Updates all movie and TV show ratings
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,type=movie)` = Updates all ratings for movies
- * `RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,type=tvshow)` = Updates all ratings for TV shows
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